Global warming effect – fact or fiction?

Arctic warming and climate change = more dangerous hurricanes
The Global Warming Effect… Fact or Fiction?

What happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arctic. What does this mean for you? Hurricane Harvey, which battered the entire state of Texas, is the type of intense storm we’ll see more of in a warming world, researchers say. Massive rainfall and surging seas have caused catastrophic damage in Greater Texas.

Using models to explore links between climate change and extreme weather
You can never pinpoint a single cause of killer storms. Extreme events always bring multiple factors together at the same time. There is a lot of controversy within the scientific community regarding climate change and extreme weather. Notable, however, is the fact that attributing extreme weather to global warming relies on using models to try to recreate historical weather records.

A weather model, also known as a numerical weather forecast, is a complex algorithm run by supercomputers to try to predict future weather. Different models and assumptions give different answers. But many see the attribution as a start toward quantifying, for example, the increased risks of extreme precipitation events along the Gulf Coast, for example, due to the Arctic and global warming.

In other words, climate science will never be able to predict the weather without error, but by identifying the data relevant to our busy, polluted, windy and rainy planet – it is up to us to take action and leverage the data to benefit from its insights. Will extreme weather conditions get worse as global climate change continues?

To what degree does climate change affect hurricanes?
Is it a little or a lot? The degree of impact of climate change on hurricanes has not been settled. Naturally, people want to know “why” or “how” a disastrous storm descended on their neighborhood. And if possible, people would like to know if there is anything they can do to reduce the chances of it happening in the future.

This controversy has not yet been settled, but several prominent researchers have theories that they do not hesitate to share with a curious public. There is room to grow our knowledge, and for new tools like weather referral to help us manage future risks. What can be done in the future to face future risks? How does renewable energy affect the negative effects of global warming?

Benefits of using renewable energy
Renewable energy—wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower, and biomass—offers significant benefits to our climate, health, and economy. Human activity burdens our atmosphere with carbon dioxide and other greenhouse emissions, which trap heat, steadily warming the planet, and having significant and harmful impacts on our health, environment, and climate.

Increasing the supply of renewable energy will allow us to replace carbon-intensive energy sources and significantly reduce US greenhouse emissions, which lead to many negative impacts on our environment, such as severe weather.

Climate change made Hurricane Harvey more dangerous
It is difficult to make a clear connection between the killer hurricanes and global warming, but there is a common school of thought that theorizes that there is indeed a direct relationship between the killer hurricanes of the past Sandy and Harvey and climate change.

Said Charles H. Geryon, a professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University, said that “what happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arctic,” he said in a statement Wednesday. “Just like Superstorm Sandy, warming in the Arctic likely played a significant role in making Hurricane Harvey such an intense, deadly storm.”

Green took it a step further by outlining how climate change is affecting both:

  • storm formation
  • And the path you took

Two storms with similar destructive paths to each other, Hurricanes Sandy and Harvey, both continued in a similar fashion. Instead of veering over the ocean as most late-season hurricanes do, these storms line up in densely populated urban areas. Then it faltered, dumping trillions of gallons of water into the regionsresulting in severe property damage and loss of life.

Maddie Stone, Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Sciences, he said climate change has either done or is “likely” to make Harvey worse.

Factors that make tornadoes more dangerous:
We know that rising sea and air surface temperatures affect storms and result in more intense precipitation. In fact, the world’s heaviest downpours are just getting more intense.

Global warming factors that may affect hurricanes:

  • Rapidly rising sea levels – the first global warming factor that may make hurricanes more dangerous Rapid rise in sea levels In the sea region, for example, Texas and New Jersey, which makes the areas more vulnerable to flooding.
  • High temperatures – the second factor is High temperatures in the region This leads to more moisture in the atmosphere, which results in more precipitation falling on the regions.
  • Global warming may also have contributed to:
    • A deep layer of warm water is feeding the cyclone It also intensified near the coast
    • Subtropical high pressure systems – This phenomenon is believed to have stopped intense cyclones near the coast with subtropical high pressure systems keeping the weather system in the middle and causing it to slow or stop its path

Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, believes Harvey was “more intense, a little bit bigger, and longer lasting” than it would have been in the absence of climate change.

The new standard, killer storms?

Many researchers agree that killer storms like Sandy and Harvey are the “new norm” in which greenhouse gases increase sea levels, causing storm surges, which then lead to more precipitation.

Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath quickly became one of the worst natural disasters in US history. The unprecedented duration and intensity of the storm sparked a heated debate about how much climate change was to blame. The short answer is we don’t really know yet. But trying to answer this question will help us better prepare for the future.

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