Global warming – a challenge of the twenty-first century

The average air temperature near Earth’s surface has risen about 1.33 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 100 years. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that “most of the observed increase in average global temperatures since the mid-20th century is likely due to the observed increase in greenhouse gas concentrations through the greenhouse effect.” … Read more

Alternative Funding Sources for Uganda: Pearl Capital Partners (PCP)

Background Information Goal: Established business Sector focus: agriculture Amounts provided: $500,000 – $3,000,000 Funding type: private property Means, instead of making a loan, the fund takes a percentage of the shares. Main criteria Strong team with experience in managing commercial projects. High growth business plan including 5 year forecast; Audited financial statements for the past … Read more

Vertical farming is on the rise

Over the next 40 years, the United Nations predicts a global population boom, which will lead to a shortage of agricultural land. Great Stuff Hydroponics believes we can overcome this problem and help reduce the environmental impact of our cities by building vertical hydroponics buildings in urban centers. Providing food in the West is not … Read more

A universe that does not matter that we are a small part of it

There are increasing and accumulating portions of claims that there is another, immaterial world, which, however, has remained scientifically unknown until now. There is also accumulating evidence that such a world definitely exists despite the fact that its true essence has yet to be discovered. For example, there is evidence of the existence of something … Read more


No matter if you’re a fan of UFOs, astrobiology, extraterrestrial life, ancient aliens, or space exploration in general, we’re all after the same outcome: first contact with aliens. First contact does not necessarily mean contact with intelligent life, but rather the discovery of any form of extraterrestrial life is considered first contact. However, it is … Read more

Aquaphonic systems – the new revolution in farming and farming

Aquaponics is a discipline that is primarily defined as exhibiting or exhibiting a combination of the traditional form of agriculture and hydroponics. This combination is known as aquaculture systems, where fish, crayfish and even prawns are raised in tanks, and the wastewater is then used to fertilize plants that are raised in nearby areas. Usually … Read more