Reasons for the importance of agriculture

Why is agriculture important? The concept of “food security” is fundamentally important, which is why agriculture is important. Perhaps the first priority of its rulers throughout history was the task of feeding its people. As such, agriculture has been the basis of the political and social stability of a nation since time immemorial. Moreover, the … Read more

Career in agriculture and forestry

Agriculture is an important field of study. Being the largest sector of the Indian economy, it is the main occupation of the majority of Indians who completely depend on it for their livelihood. Studying in agriculture involves a wide range of activities such as research, teaching and some supervisory work that is done in the … Read more

The mysterious moons of Mars

Mars is a veritable wonderland that has sung for centuries with an alluring siren song to those who seek to solve its many mysteries. In fact, the two moons of Mars are named after them Phobos And Deimosoffer some great puzzles of their own. Where did the moons of Mars come from? For a long … Read more

Is there a limit to the inner space?

It is easier for me to imagine an infinite universe than to imagine an infinite inner universe. However, this does not mean that there are limits to the internal space. It just seems a more difficult concept to imagine. Nor is there a guarantee that the universe is infinite either. There can be limits to … Read more

Top 5 colleges for tech savvy

We have asked many students which colleges are the best colleges for engineering and computer science. Using a weighted average of faculty resources, technology grants, class size, and student assessments, we developed the following list to help guide students and parents in the admissions process. The list provides a brief summary of the best engineering … Read more

Pioneer 10’s twisting path through space poses an overwhelming puzzle for physicists

On March 2, 1972, on a balmy Thursday on Florida’s humid Cape Canaveral Peninsula, NASA’s 570-pound Atlas Centaur rocket named Pioneer 10 lifted off. Over the next 10 years, Pioneer sent back stunning reports from the far reaches of the solar system, carrying out its mission with great success. Then, instead of becoming silent as … Read more